Understanding Light - and shooting right!


all cameras average the existing light. What that means is, just because you can see it, doesn't mean the camera can. The human eye is far more sophisticated than the most expensive camera money can buy. For example, you stand someone in front of a bright window, your eye can still tell who that person is, but the camera can not, at least, not without help. Your eye will zoom into a person's face and ignore that bright light around them, but the camera will not

Running Apple Mac OS X on Windows PC!


In the best case, Mac OS X Leopard on standard PC hardware can use the full graphics acceleration (Quartz, Core Image) and all the characteristics of CPU

CANON Rebel XS 1000D


recently their in-depth review of the new Canon Rebel XS 1000D!

CANON G9 - Back up For Professionals?


Canon G9 that seemed to have nice specs (12.1 megapixels, a 35-210mm image stabilized lens, and RAW capabilities) and an even nicer price (under $500). The images on the big LCD looked great and the list of pro features on the camera was impressive

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Promosi blog dengan RSS

Author: Prassprasetio On Thursday, March 27, 2008 Share on Facebook
Pertama kita harus mengetahui apa itu RSS(Really Simple Syndication, RSS berfungsi untuk mempermudah kita berlangganan suatu hal atau berita terbaru dari suatu website atau kita dapat mengartikan sebagai tampilan singkat sebuah blog atau website
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