Understanding Light - and shooting right!


all cameras average the existing light. What that means is, just because you can see it, doesn't mean the camera can. The human eye is far more sophisticated than the most expensive camera money can buy. For example, you stand someone in front of a bright window, your eye can still tell who that person is, but the camera can not, at least, not without help. Your eye will zoom into a person's face and ignore that bright light around them, but the camera will not

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If you are a photographer of any nature whatsoever, you will be prompted to make someone a day of marriage. Do not be taken lightly. It is a special privilege. Often, the bride will be covered in a new hairstyle and fashion beautiful dress. However, it is much more than a beautiful model to take pictures. It embodies the meaning of marriage and family happiness together. It is natural for her to be both thoughtful and pensive radiantly happy his wedding day. Its future is wrapped up in this one occasion. She will cry, laugh aloud, and show emotions unexpectedly. This is part of its history of marriage. You must seize the best possible

During the shooting sessions, you will have his picture alone, and with the groom and his family and friends. You will kill nearly full length, and from afar. You will see the capture and his personal energy and mood. More importantly, you will have the happiness of his capture both as a person and a wife. You pass it to an advanced stage of preparation. However, this careful preparation can be the first time. Here are 12 tips for achieving that success.

1. Talk to the bride.
Spend time discussing the wedding day photo session with her. Also, if possible, take some photos of her and husband before the wedding day to help train this relationship. This combined effort will produce reliable planning and lands on the big day.

2. Clean, triple control, and know your equipment.
Failure of equipment is the biggest killer of wedding photos. A trigger can stick or a bad battery instantly without warning. Have emergency equipment at hand and ready. Also, know your equipment combined with better parameters (for example, aperture size, shutter speed, brightness and strobe) for all conditions that you encounter during these sessions. Stick with these settings so you can focus on the bride herself. In addition, the use of camera and lighting equipment that loads and fires easily.

3. The use of lighting available.
The natural light gives a strong atmosphere size photos of marriage. If the weather is rather cool, turn his covered porch or a soft shade of trees where natural lighting is available. However, if these plans must be made inside alone, then use an atrium, a window or door glass, or a chandelier or opera for candle lighting available. Most professional photographers are masters at blending lighting available with strobe lighting. This skill like wives when they see the pictures.

4. Keep it simple.
This tip applies to all other advice above and below. By nature, photography is complex with numerous technical and artistic details to consider. Do not go beyond what you or your equipment can be done easily.

5. Use a few accessories.
It's okay to get the big bang is the big church altar outdoors or Vista with the bride and her dress posed in it. However, these plans may affect the bride to a certain extent. Simplification plans are equally convincing. Photo next to his beautiful piece of furniture, a guardrail or wooden staircase, a brick or marble column, exotic or shrub or flower garden. Try placing his hand on or near some accessories while explaining what you are doing. If necessary, take a little practice plans to relax it. Then, as she took her wedding day itself, click, take the photo quick.

6. Try controlled humour.
Few marriages are totally serious. A slight humor is well received, and often the subjects relax. But do not make the weight of a joke that if necessary, although this ploy will work properly. For example, you might try something similar at the tip if your next session is tense. While aiming your camera to the wife or his group, let your trousers all of a sudden drop to your ankles, exposing a large pair of baggy white bloomers with lip-shaped lipstick on all draws. Make sure you have an assistant with you if you try it.

7. Be yourself.
If you're not a comedian, nice and sincere. Brides are understanding. They will respond to your sincerity with sincere poses.

8. Expect interruptions.
The bride is never alone on her marriage. She is the star. Everyone is talking to her, including hiring and help the photographer. Interruptions May break your shooting schedule slightly, but they relax his own. Keep smiling.

9. Look for natural features.
If the bride is a farmer or rancher, take a few shots near a barn, a tractor, wood fence, or with his horse. If it is a body builder, project its power in a coup or two. No biceps please, or boudoir.

10. Never miss a favorite relative or friend.
Sometimes a favorite aunt, uncle, grandparent, friend or not arrive until halfway through the reception after the ceremony. Be sure of this photo guest with the bride, even if it is slightly disheveled to celebrate. If, for whatever reason, the bride can not be photographed at the time, take a picture of the special guest alone against a plain background. Then, later, have the laboratory digital insert this image in another photo of the bride or her group.

11. Make a list of ball in advance.
Before marriage, write a proposed list of plans. Wherever possible, a study of the wedding album to learn what shots are important. Include the wife of your suggestions on earlier discussions with her. Take all the shots on the list. Also, be ready to add new ones, or to change the order in which the list is actually taken. Such a list might include the following elements.

Bride Alone
At the church or facility / park / input structure and / or altar / gateway stages: full train (back, side and front), up close, does differ from its operations bouquet of flowers
Interior: near a window (daylight); closely, looking in the bouquet or research through the window
The exterior: nearly a photograph of property, an ornamental tree or flower garden, near a guardrail or stone / wood structure

Bride and Groom
Same as above

Add mood / Romance plans of their hands and rings and two of them in search of each other eyes, almost kissing, or in a relaxed atmosphere at or near a beautiful scene

Wife with other
With the maid of honor, flower girl, ring bearer, bridesmaids, all bridesmaids and flower girl (two plans pleasure, for example, showing her garter with everyone sitting and laughing), with his mother , Father, mother and father (add sisters, brothers, and close relatives), with sisters and / or a brother, grandparents and other family members

With the minister, friends and special guests / pers

Requests married (select plans it wants at any time, not always advance)

12. Repeat sessions in your mind.
For Card-fire your ideas more clearly, visit the house, the church building, reception area, or any place where the photos will be taken on the wedding day. This process becomes instinctive with mental practice. Look for accessories for beautiful scenes and background, but do not try to use them all during the sessions. It suffices to note in your mind when the opportunity arises. Developing an idea for the moment the potential to photograph the wife to some of these places.

In summary, taking photos of marriage is so serious that the wedding ceremony itself. The humour and fun can this aid provided, sometimes tense, personal and private session. Because all of them are wives, to take their wedding day photos requires discipline, sincerity, and preparation. Then, as these photos taken very privileged, do so with care, loyalty and obedience.

Download wedding photography E-book

More info :
New York Institute of Photography "Wedding Photography: for professionals and clients" http://www.nyip.com/ezine/people_and_pets/weddings.html

3 Response to '[TIPS&TUTORIAL] How to get closer with Brides & Groom - (Free E-book inside!)'

  1. http://waterghost.blogspot.com/2008/07/tips-how-to-get-closer-with-brides.html?showComment=1216717140000#c2341711787710994082'> Tuesday, 22 July, 2008

    Hi - Great post! Loads of tips for would-be and professional wedding photographers alike there.

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    We are a small company so we can offer a more personalised service like drop shipping direct to their customers etc.

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    We've also received orders for smaller jigsaws personalised with a picture of the page boys / bridesmaids for the kids to keep them amused while the speech's are taking place.

    Thanks - great article!



  2. my blog Said,
    http://waterghost.blogspot.com/2008/07/tips-how-to-get-closer-with-brides.html?showComment=1217329500000#c4222033848051440023'> Tuesday, 29 July, 2008

    I am professional photographer. Thanks for tips.

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  3. http://waterghost.blogspot.com/2008/07/tips-how-to-get-closer-with-brides.html?showComment=1219215600000#c4489547011574272324'> Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

    you're welcome...